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Basic Info About Balancing Beads

Posted by Jimmy Hill on
Email: jimmy.hill@alltiresupply.com

How It work

At a speed of 60 miles per hour the tire revolutions per mile would be an average of 550 revolutions per minute. As a result of centrifugal force, the 6 oz. out of balance, or what is commonly referred to as the "heavy spot", will multiply itself to 60 pounds. As the suspension of the vehicle only allows for vertical motion, the 60 pounds of centrifugal force will compress upwards and downwards on the suspension 550 times per minute, which can be reinterpreted as 1100 shock waves.

Vibration is maximized when the resonating combined force of the rebound and the out of balance centrifugal force are aligned and working with reflex frequency of the suspension in unison at highway speeds; this dribbling effect sufficiently multiplies up and down forces so as to result in the tire bouncing off the road surface. This also explains why vibration is felt only at certain speeds, and why it can be exaggerated or reduced after hitting a bump. This effect can only be eliminated by altering speed (i.e. separating the out of balance and rebound force frequencies), or by balancing the tires and wheel assembly.

Dynamic balance (Right of Centre) Static balance Dynamic balance (Left of Centre)
Dynamic balance (Right of Centre) Static balance Dynamic balance (Left of Centre)

This product is environmentally friendly and will not react to any known chemicals. These unique characteristics result in providing the best of both worlds, the mechanical fixed weight balancing of tires and the automatic adjustment of internal balancing agents.

Types of Problems Can Be Avoided Using Counteract Balancing Beads

Basic Info About Balancing Beads Diagonal Wear

Localized flat spot worn diagonally across the tread, often repeating around tread circumference.

Caused by runout and/or out of balance in conjunction with a slow rate of wear. Can develop from a brake skid, spot wear, shoulder wear, or other advanced wear conditions. Can also be caused by loose wheel bearings and is aggravated by misalignment.

Cupping/Scallop Wear Cupping/Scallop Wear

Localized dished out areas of fast wear creating a scalloped appearance around tire. Appears around the tire on the shoulder ribs. May progress to adjoining ribs.

Usually a result of moderate to severe assembly out of balance condition, improper rim/wheel mounting or other assembly non-uniformity. Can also be due to lack of shock absorber control on some suspension types.

Erratic Depression Wear Erratic Depression Wear

Random erratic wear around tire circumference.

Lack of shock absorber control in some suspension types. Loose or worn wheel bearings, assembly non-uniformity such as improper bead seating and out-of-balance condition, aggravated by high speed empty hauls.


Frequently Asked Question:

Will the product react to any known materials?
No, Counteract Balancing Beads will not react with any known metal or material.

Is the product affected by moisture?
No, Ambient moisture does not affect the product's performance once the product is loaded and used in the tire, because the relative humidity inside the tire decreases after the tire heats up during normal operation and use.

Does Counteract Clump?

How do I remove the product from the tire?
Our product is easily removed simply by striking the tire with a tire iron several times along the tread. This will cause the material to fall to the bottom of the tire where it can be scooped or vacuumed out.

Do you need a valve filter to prevent the valve from clogging?
Valve clogging is not a common problem with our product. We remove all dust from the material after manufacturing, as dust is the cause of valve clogging. However, to reduce the possibility of a valve leak, we recommend the use of a long valve core and self sealing valve cap.

Can you balance a tire with Counteract on a tire balancer?
No. The Counteract Balancing Beads will only move to the balanced position through inertia which is generated by the out of balance condition and the up and down motion of the vehicle suspension while counteracting the out of balance condition.

How is the product installed?
There are three different methods of installation of Counteract Balancing Beads. The simplest and most preferable is the method that uses the throw-in bag in bag packaging. This method involves simply throwing the inside bag into the tire while installing new tires. The air pressure in the tire will collapse and burst the bag, allowing the material to get to work quickly. An air blaster can be used to seat the tire with this method. The second method is to pour the material directly into the tire during installation. The third method is to remove the valve core, remove approximately half of the tire's air pressure, and inject the material directly into the valve with our injector pump. We provide detailed instructions on how to complete all of our installation methods.

What about when rotating tires?
It is advisable when rotating tires that contain Counteract, to hit the tire on the tread area, with a hammer to free-up the microbeads for immediate readjustment to the new wheel assembly position. Counteract balances the complete wheel assembly and therefore, it has to readjust to the rotors, break drum and other wheel components.

Advantages over Lead Weight Machine Balancing

  • Counteract Balancing Beads balance for the complete life of the tire because they can adjust to the balanced position as required... something lead weights are unable to do.
  • Counteract Balancing Beads balance the complete wheel assembly in all wheel positions on both truck and trailer and do so economically.
  • Counteract is protected from road hazards and obstructions, inside the tire and will not fall off as lead weights can do, thus saving the environment from the problems caused by lead.
  • Lead weights can damage custom wheels as well as being unattractive. Counteract is an internal balancing system and therefore is invisible.

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